Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal is an avid social media user. The actor recently treated fans to a goofy video of himself in which he can be seen lip-syncing to 'Purple Hat' rap in his vanity van. Taking to his Instagram handle, he dropped a short clip jamming on 'Purple Hat' with ease. Posting the video, Vicky wrote, "Felt cute will 100% delete it later. Bohot zor se Acting aa rahi thi."
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal is an avid social media user. The actor recently treated fans to a goofy video of himself in which he can be seen lip-syncing to 'Purple Hat' rap in his vanity van. Taking to his Instagram handle, he dropped a short clip jamming on 'Purple Hat' with ease. Posting the video, Vicky wrote, "Felt cute will 100% delete it later. Bohot zor se Acting aa rahi thi."
VIDEO: Vicky Kaushal imitates 'Purple Hat' rap, Hrithik Roshan goes 'woah'
July 19, 2021