Actor Kriti Kharbanda says she is grateful to have reached a position in her career where she can refuse work that doesn't excite her and rely on her instincts while choosing characters. Kharbanda debuted in Bollywood in 2016 with "Raaz: Reboot"-- seven years after working in the Telugu and Kannada movie industries. The actor has since featured in films of diverse genres: from Rajkummar Rao-starrer social drama "Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana", multistarrer comedies "Housefull 4", "Pagalpanti' to Bejoy Nambiar's action-thriller "Taish".
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Actor Kriti Kharbanda says she is grateful to have reached a position in her career where she can refuse work that doesn't excite her and rely on her instincts while choosing characters. Kharbanda debuted in Bollywood in 2016 with "Raaz: Reboot"-- seven years after working in the Telugu and Kannada movie industries. The actor has since featured in films of diverse genres: from Rajkummar Rao-starrer social drama "Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana", multistarrer comedies "Housefull 4", "Pagalpanti' to Bejoy Nambiar's action-thriller "Taish".
Kriti Kharbanda: Finally have option to say no and will make most of it
July 19, 2021