Akshay Kumar and Raveena Tandon surprised the fans on Sunday when they came together after 20 years on the same stage. The couple had called off their engagement two decades ago and were never seen together after it. However, at an event on Sunday, Raveena presented an award to Akshay Kumar and they also enjoyed a fun banter. Many videos of the two are going viral on the internet in which they can be seen sitting together and talking with each other.
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Akshay Kumar and Raveena Tandon surprised the fans on Sunday when they came together after 20 years on the same stage. The couple had called off their engagement two decades ago and were never seen together after it. However, at an event on Sunday, Raveena presented an award to Akshay Kumar and they also enjoyed a fun banter. Many videos of the two are going viral on the internet in which they can be seen sitting together and talking with each other.
VIDEO: Akshay Kumar, Raveena Tandon come together 20 years after calling off their engagement
May 09, 2023