BTS' Jimin, a beloved K-pop idol, first debuted as a vocalist and dancer in BTS on June 13th, 2013. His remarkable talent has earned him a legion of fans worldwide and he continues to amaze them by achieving new heights and collaborating with big names. Recently, he made headlines by announcing his upcoming collaboration with Vin Diesel on the Fast X film soundtrack, which has generated significant buzz among fans eagerly awaiting its release.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
BTS' Jimin, a beloved K-pop idol, first debuted as a vocalist and dancer in BTS on June 13th, 2013. His remarkable talent has earned him a legion of fans worldwide and he continues to amaze them by achieving new heights and collaborating with big names. Recently, he made headlines by announcing his upcoming collaboration with Vin Diesel on the Fast X film soundtrack, which has generated significant buzz among fans eagerly awaiting its release.
BTS’ Jimin joins forces with Vin Diesel for Fast X; Angel Pt 1 drops on THIS date
May 10, 2023