Finally, the wait is over. On May 9, the highly awaited Adipurush trailer will be released. Adipurush's producers had planned to show the movie in more than 100 venues in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Additionally, there were rumors circulating that Adipurush would probably be delayed once more. However, The makers have stated that the release date has not changed and that the promotions will start right away.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Finally, the wait is over. On May 9, the highly awaited Adipurush trailer will be released. Adipurush's producers had planned to show the movie in more than 100 venues in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Additionally, there were rumors circulating that Adipurush would probably be delayed once more. However, The makers have stated that the release date has not changed and that the promotions will start right away.
Adirpurush Trailer date announced: Prabhas-Kriti Sanon starrer to launch in 105 theatres
May 05, 2023