Arjun Kapoor is currently having the time of his life with his ladylove Malaika Arora in Germany. The actor, who never misses a chance of sharing beautiful updates of their relationship with his fans, posted some loved-up 'lifties' from Berlin with Malaika. He wrote a creative caption that read, "Lift Kara De" followed by a winking emoji, which is clearly a funny take on the image which the couple took in the lift itself. Malaika can be seen dressed in a completely white outfit. She posed in a white blazer, high neck and boots. On the other hand, the "Ki & Ka" actor wore a leather black jacket paired with black jeans and a white shirt. He completed his look with a beanie cap and black shades.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Arjun Kapoor is currently having the time of his life with his ladylove Malaika Arora in Germany. The actor, who never misses a chance of sharing beautiful updates of their relationship with his fans, posted some loved-up 'lifties' from Berlin with Malaika. He wrote a creative caption that read, "Lift Kara De" followed by a winking emoji, which is clearly a funny take on the image which the couple took in the lift itself. Malaika can be seen dressed in a completely white outfit. She posed in a white blazer, high neck and boots. On the other hand, the "Ki & Ka" actor wore a leather black jacket paired with black jeans and a white shirt. He completed his look with a beanie cap and black shades.
Arjun Kapoor-Malaika Arora's too hot 'lifties' from Berlin burn Instagram; Kareena Kapoor reacts
April 16, 2023