Actor Sara Ali Khan is currently holidaying in Kashmir with her brother Ibrahim and other friends. On Friday (January 28), Sara took to Instagram and shared a string of images from her vacation. In one of the images, we can see Sara and Ibrahim happily posing against a snowy background. She also shared a video of Ibrahim skiing through the slopes. In other pictures, Sara is seen building a snowman with her friends
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Actor Sara Ali Khan is currently holidaying in Kashmir with her brother Ibrahim and other friends. On Friday (January 28), Sara took to Instagram and shared a string of images from her vacation. In one of the images, we can see Sara and Ibrahim happily posing against a snowy background. She also shared a video of Ibrahim skiing through the slopes. In other pictures, Sara is seen building a snowman with her friends
‘Home is where brother is..': Sara Ali Khan shares pics from Kashmir vacation with Ibrahim
January 29, 2022