Tejasswi Prakash, who has worked in TV shows like Swaragini and Pehredaar Piya Ki, has won Bigg Boss 15. The actress lifted the beautiful trophy this year after Salman Khan announced that she received the maximum number of votes. Tejasswi took home the golden trophy and a cash prize of Rs 40 lakh. Bigg Boss OTT fame Pratik Sehajpal became the first runners-up, followed by actor Karan Kundrra on the third spot. Tejasswi has had an interesting journey in the Bigg Boss 15 house. From her romantic relationship with Kundra to the war of words with Shamita Shetty, she managed to grab eyeballs every week.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed https://ift.tt/SLjWoKTsi
Tejasswi Prakash, who has worked in TV shows like Swaragini and Pehredaar Piya Ki, has won Bigg Boss 15. The actress lifted the beautiful trophy this year after Salman Khan announced that she received the maximum number of votes. Tejasswi took home the golden trophy and a cash prize of Rs 40 lakh. Bigg Boss OTT fame Pratik Sehajpal became the first runners-up, followed by actor Karan Kundrra on the third spot. Tejasswi has had an interesting journey in the Bigg Boss 15 house. From her romantic relationship with Kundra to the war of words with Shamita Shetty, she managed to grab eyeballs every week.
Bigg Boss 15 winner is Tejasswi Prakash. Actress takes home Rs 40 lakh cash prize
January 31, 2022