The second season of the espionage action-drama series "Crackdown", starring Saqib Saleem, began production in Jaisalmer on Tuesday. Helmed by filmmaker Apoorva Lakhia, the Voot Select series follows the lives of a few intelligence agents working at the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). The first season saw Riyaz Pathan (Saleem) and his team thwarting the plans of a major with the ISI.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
The second season of the espionage action-drama series "Crackdown", starring Saqib Saleem, began production in Jaisalmer on Tuesday. Helmed by filmmaker Apoorva Lakhia, the Voot Select series follows the lives of a few intelligence agents working at the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). The first season saw Riyaz Pathan (Saleem) and his team thwarting the plans of a major with the ISI.
Second season of Saqib Saleem-starrer 'Crackdown' goes on floors
December 22, 2021