A resident of this north Bihar town has left his family members, including his estranged wife, shocked by appearing in reality show "Bigg Boss" as the husband of actress Rakhi Sawant. Ritesh Raj, who appeared in some episodes of the TV show, has been identified by Snigdha Priya, who claims they have been married since December 1, 2014.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed https://ift.tt/3qdiVJN
A resident of this north Bihar town has left his family members, including his estranged wife, shocked by appearing in reality show "Bigg Boss" as the husband of actress Rakhi Sawant. Ritesh Raj, who appeared in some episodes of the TV show, has been identified by Snigdha Priya, who claims they have been married since December 1, 2014.
Rakhi Sawant's husband Ritesh is still married to me, claims Bihar woman
December 21, 2021