Priyanka Chopra's mother Dr Madhu Chopra, on Monday (December 20), penned an appreciation post for her daughter, along with best wishes for her future endeavours. Taking to her Instagram handle, Dr Madhu shared a picture with her daughter, where the two can be seen dressed for the red carpet premiere of Priyanka's upcoming film 'The Matrix Resurrections'.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Priyanka Chopra's mother Dr Madhu Chopra, on Monday (December 20), penned an appreciation post for her daughter, along with best wishes for her future endeavours. Taking to her Instagram handle, Dr Madhu shared a picture with her daughter, where the two can be seen dressed for the red carpet premiere of Priyanka's upcoming film 'The Matrix Resurrections'.
Priyanka Chopra's mother Madhu Chopra pens appreciation post for her success
December 21, 2021