Priyanka Chopra Jonas says people who trivialise her role in "The Matrix Resurrections" on the basis of her screen time in the film have a "myopic" and "small mentality". Chopra Jonas stars as Sati, an exiled program, in the Lana Wachowski-directed movie alongside Keanu Reeves as Neo and Carrie-Anne Moss as Trinity. During a recent interview with Asian Sunday TV, the actor was asked the reason for taking the part, considering it wasn't a lead character.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Priyanka Chopra Jonas says people who trivialise her role in "The Matrix Resurrections" on the basis of her screen time in the film have a "myopic" and "small mentality". Chopra Jonas stars as Sati, an exiled program, in the Lana Wachowski-directed movie alongside Keanu Reeves as Neo and Carrie-Anne Moss as Trinity. During a recent interview with Asian Sunday TV, the actor was asked the reason for taking the part, considering it wasn't a lead character.
Priyanka Chopra The Matrix Resurrections screen time: Actress blasts those questioning length of her role
December 26, 2021