Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan, who is currently shooting for his upcoming movie 'Shehzada' in Delhi, on Sunday visited Gurudwara Bangla Sahib after completing a challenging schedule of the film. Taking to his Instagram handle, Kartik shared a photo of him at the Gurudwara in which he could be seen wearing a denim jacket.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan, who is currently shooting for his upcoming movie 'Shehzada' in Delhi, on Sunday visited Gurudwara Bangla Sahib after completing a challenging schedule of the film. Taking to his Instagram handle, Kartik shared a photo of him at the Gurudwara in which he could be seen wearing a denim jacket.
Kartik Aaryan visits Gurudwara Bangla Sahib after finishing 'challenging' schedule of 'Shehzada'
December 20, 2021