The extended family of Anil and Sunita Kapoor showed up in their best outfits for the low-key wedding of their daughter, film producer Rhea Kapoor, sister of Sonam and Harshvardhan Kapoor, with her long-time boyfriend Karan Boolani. Although the Kapoors did not make any official announcement on this milestone event in their family, the activity outside their Juhu home on Saturday, especially the steady stream of arrivals in glittering cars, confirmed the social media chatter about the marriage. Saturday apparently was the last auspicious day for weddings before the onset of the lunar month of Bhadra on August 23.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
The extended family of Anil and Sunita Kapoor showed up in their best outfits for the low-key wedding of their daughter, film producer Rhea Kapoor, sister of Sonam and Harshvardhan Kapoor, with her long-time boyfriend Karan Boolani. Although the Kapoors did not make any official announcement on this milestone event in their family, the activity outside their Juhu home on Saturday, especially the steady stream of arrivals in glittering cars, confirmed the social media chatter about the marriage. Saturday apparently was the last auspicious day for weddings before the onset of the lunar month of Bhadra on August 23.
Rhea Kapoor-Karan Boolani wedding: Sonam Kapoor shimmers in sister's spiritual nuptials
August 15, 2021