Accompanied by Bundi Collector Ashish Gupta, BJP MLA Chandrakanta Meghwal and other district officials, the panel which included Joint Secretary, Union Home Ministry, Sumant Singh, reached Navghat area of Keshoraipatan and took stock of the situation where the house was collapsed in recent heavy rains, killing seven members of a family.
from Top India News-
Accompanied by Bundi Collector Ashish Gupta, BJP MLA Chandrakanta Meghwal and other district officials, the panel which included Joint Secretary, Union Home Ministry, Sumant Singh, reached Navghat area of Keshoraipatan and took stock of the situation where the house was collapsed in recent heavy rains, killing seven members of a family.
Centre's Team Visits Flood-hit Areas in Rajasthan's Bundi to Assess Damage
August 14, 2021