The ongoing dating reality show Splitsvilla X3 hosted by Sunny Leone and Rannvijay Singha has already been a topic of discussion amongst its young fan following. Be it the dome session or the chemistry between various couple contestants, the show season after season has gained huge popularity. Fans wish to know about each and every minor detail be it on or of the screen. Well, the latest update might not uplift your spirits! The latest buzz states that two couples of the show namely Kat Kristian-Kevin Almasifar and Nikhil Malik-Pallak Yadav have called it quit in their real life. Yes, that's true. The two duos opened up about the reason for their splitsville on their respective social media handles and this has come as a shocker for everyone.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
The ongoing dating reality show Splitsvilla X3 hosted by Sunny Leone and Rannvijay Singha has already been a topic of discussion amongst its young fan following. Be it the dome session or the chemistry between various couple contestants, the show season after season has gained huge popularity. Fans wish to know about each and every minor detail be it on or of the screen. Well, the latest update might not uplift your spirits! The latest buzz states that two couples of the show namely Kat Kristian-Kevin Almasifar and Nikhil Malik-Pallak Yadav have called it quit in their real life. Yes, that's true. The two duos opened up about the reason for their splitsville on their respective social media handles and this has come as a shocker for everyone.
Splitsvilla X3: Kat-Kevin, Nikhil-Pallak end their relationships in real-life for THIS reason
July 20, 2021