Actor-producer Arbaaz Khan says he is thrilled that a documentary on the formidable screenwriter duo Salim Khan, his father, and Javed Akhtar is being developed, something that he had once envisioned as a private docu-drama for the family. Titled "Angry Young Men", the documentary will be produced by the writers' children -- superstar Salman Khan, actor-producer Farhan Akhtar and filmmaker Zoya Akhtar.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Actor-producer Arbaaz Khan says he is thrilled that a documentary on the formidable screenwriter duo Salim Khan, his father, and Javed Akhtar is being developed, something that he had once envisioned as a private docu-drama for the family. Titled "Angry Young Men", the documentary will be produced by the writers' children -- superstar Salman Khan, actor-producer Farhan Akhtar and filmmaker Zoya Akhtar.
I wanted to do it as personal archive for my father: Arbaaz Khan on Salim Khan-Javed Akhtar documentary
July 20, 2021