Superstar Aamir Khan's production house on Tuesday dismissed claims that the crew of its upcoming movie, "Laal Singh Chaddha", polluted a shooting location in Ladakh. Khan is currently filming for the Advait Chandan-directorial in the union territory. Last week, a Twitter user shared video clips from Wakha village, Ladakh, alleging that the crew of the 56-year-old actor's film had shot a sequence at the place but left without cleaning the area afterwards.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Superstar Aamir Khan's production house on Tuesday dismissed claims that the crew of its upcoming movie, "Laal Singh Chaddha", polluted a shooting location in Ladakh. Khan is currently filming for the Advait Chandan-directorial in the union territory. Last week, a Twitter user shared video clips from Wakha village, Ladakh, alleging that the crew of the 56-year-old actor's film had shot a sequence at the place but left without cleaning the area afterwards.
Aamir Khan productions denies 'Laal Singh Chaddha' crew littered Ladakh set
July 14, 2021