Sunil Grover, who stars in the crime comedy drama series "Sunflower", says he is grateful to filmmakers who envision him beyond his familiar avatar of a comedian. "It is totally in the hands of makers as to what role they offer. I am known as a comedian and people have enjoyed my comic avatar for the longest. I was offered a negative character in "Tandav" and credit for that goes to (series creator) Ali Abbas Zafar. He envisioned me differently and all I had to do was act. I was nervous doing the role, but eventually people appreciated my role. Now my role in 'Sunflower' is totally different -- he has a lot of innocence," says Sunil.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Sunil Grover, who stars in the crime comedy drama series "Sunflower", says he is grateful to filmmakers who envision him beyond his familiar avatar of a comedian. "It is totally in the hands of makers as to what role they offer. I am known as a comedian and people have enjoyed my comic avatar for the longest. I was offered a negative character in "Tandav" and credit for that goes to (series creator) Ali Abbas Zafar. He envisioned me differently and all I had to do was act. I was nervous doing the role, but eventually people appreciated my role. Now my role in 'Sunflower' is totally different -- he has a lot of innocence," says Sunil.
Sunil Grover: I enjoy entering someone else's mindset as an actor
June 24, 2021