Kasautii Zindagii Kay actor Parth Samthaan on Tuesday took to his Instagram and shared a then vs now picture of him. The actor penned a long note reflecting upon his past three years. He explained the several challenges that came in between during the course of time. The actor mentioned that it was not a smooth ride instead 'a roller coaster' one.
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Kasautii Zindagii Kay actor Parth Samthaan on Tuesday took to his Instagram and shared a then vs now picture of him. The actor penned a long note reflecting upon his past three years. He explained the several challenges that came in between during the course of time. The actor mentioned that it was not a smooth ride instead 'a roller coaster' one.
Parth Samthaan pens emotional note as he reflects on his past three years; says, 'life had several challenges'
June 23, 2021