Fans of Thalapathy Vijay are elated today as they got to witness their favorite actor's two looks from his upcoming movie Beast. The actor will be turning 47 years old on June 22. The makers of his upcoming film are not leaving any stone to make Vijay's day special. After revealing the title and the first look of Vijay's forthcoming film with Kolamavu Kokila director Nelson Dhilipkumar on Monday evening the makers revealed the second look of the actor sharp at 12 am on Tuesday marking Vijay's birthday.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Fans of Thalapathy Vijay are elated today as they got to witness their favorite actor's two looks from his upcoming movie Beast. The actor will be turning 47 years old on June 22. The makers of his upcoming film are not leaving any stone to make Vijay's day special. After revealing the title and the first look of Vijay's forthcoming film with Kolamavu Kokila director Nelson Dhilipkumar on Monday evening the makers revealed the second look of the actor sharp at 12 am on Tuesday marking Vijay's birthday.
Beast second look: Vijay Thalapathy's intriguing poster on his birthday leaves fans impressed
June 22, 2021